How often do you open all of your mail?
Bills, statements, advertisements, unsolicited "Junk" mail....
If you open all of it daily- Great job. Keep it up! But as for the rest of us, we need a bit of motivation and organization in our lives.
Until very recently, I would let most of my mail pile up. After a bit, I'd get sick of it sitting in a huge pile that my dogs kept getting into and shredding ALL OVER my house (they love to tear up and chew on paper) and would finally sort it and read it.
My mail sorting works pretty much like this:
"Better open these now."
'Other' Bills & Stuff
"Ahh. Later..."
"Oh, maybe I should check that out."
"Wow. Big Boy is still around?"
"Ooo. I'll look through these later."
Other unsolicited envelopes
(Yes, I do actually say these things while sorting my mail.)
Normally, I would just throw away/recycle the pile I deemed to have been junk by looking at the envelopes. But this time, I decided to open all of them and I was surprised at what I found in one.
Look what I almost threw away:
It's a survey from Scarborough Research with a (real) One Dollar Bill as a token of their appreciation and promise to reward participants with $5.00 cash for completing and returning the (extremely short) one page survey.
As I finished reading the letter, I wondered how many of these types of letters containing money are thrown away every day. Can you imagine?
Think about it; how many random envelopes have you or I tossed away without ever opening-maybe even tearing up? They could possibly have had cash or a check inside.
Then I wondered if it was some kind of scam. So, of course, being myself; I turned to my good friend Google and started researching the company.
It turns out Scarborough is, in fact, a legitimate survey research company.
So I filled out the super quick survey and sent it off.
I read a bunch of comments online complaints about how these people bother them by calling. My guess is the people that complain are not letting these folks get a word in long enough to say that it was a survey and not a sales call, if they even answered the phone.
I did end up receiving the $5.00 reward shortly after sending out that survey.
Scarborough called me to take a survey about music stations I listen to and the like. It took about 20 minutes (with technical difficulties). I received an additional $5.00 in cash for this.
They didn't try to sell me anything and they weren't rude or annoying. They even left a detailed message when I was unable to answer my phone and waited a few days to call back. They just wanted my opinions and they're giving me money for it!
That is fantastic!
*Participating in this type of research can help to improve: products, services, activities, and many other things that we use everyday. It doesn't cost but a few moments of time but can be so helpful.
It is an added bonus to be rewarded.*
And just think; I almost threw that envelope away...
Lesson for today: Open your mail before shredding, recycling, or throwing it out.
You could literally be throwing money away.
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